Breast Cancer

The research from Dr. R.G. Hamer shows us that there are two kinds of breast cancer. We have breast gland cancer and we also have milk duct (intra-ductal) cancer. Each of these cancers has its origins in different areas of the brain and they each consist of different embryonic germ layers (histological formations).


Breast gland cancer has its relay in the cerebellum and will form compact adenoid tumors that consist of the old mesodermal germ layer. Milk duct cancer has its relay in the cerebral cortex, (the sensory cortex to be more exact) will develop squamous epithelium carcinomas and is derived from the ectodermal germ layer.

These manifestations are in accordance with the rules of laterality. To be more precise, a right handed woman will respond with the left breast if she has a mother-child conflict or a daughter-mother conflict and will respond with the right breast if she has a partner conflict. Her partners include her life’s partner as in husband, a friend, her brother, sister, her father, or even her business partner. The opposite breast will be affected in a left handed woman.

We do not develop either intra-ductal or breast gland cancer without reason. The specific nature or feeling behind the conflict will determine precisely what brain location will receive the impact of the conflict-shock (DHS) and whether it will be the duct or the gland affected.

Breast gland cancer has to do with the woman’s nest in the sense that she has a "worry", "quarrel or argument" going on in her nest. The worry could be over a health concern of a loved one, or even being thrown out of the nest by her mother! The overall issue concerned however is really a separation from a loved one.

Milk duct cancer has quite specifically to do with the conflict of, "my child, mother, or partner has been torn from my breast!" Again it is a separation conflict and the rules of laterality also apply here.


As previously mentioned, each of these cancers have a different histological formation and have their relays in different brain locations.

Since breast gland cancer has it’s origin in the cerebellum, or old brain, the tissue starts to augment from the time of the onset of the actual conflict, and will stop growing as soon as the conflict has been resolved.

In contrast, intra-ductal cancer has it’s origin in the sensory cortex (cerebrum) or new brain and develops ulcers or cell degeneration in the squamous epithelial tissue of the milk duct during the conflict active phase. As soon as the conflict has been resolved, this tissue goes through the repair phase and begins to augment the squamous epithelial cells that will swell and eventually obstruct the milk duct and form a so called tumor. If the manifestation goes unnoticed, the so called tumor will either degrade or calcify and no longer be a concern.

In some cases the entire sensory cortex may be affected in the patient and she may display some very specific skin problems on the inside of her arm, hand, belly and inside leg, if there is a mother-child separation conflict. If she has a partner separation conflict, she could develop skin problems on the outside of her arm, or leg. The side of her body affected will depend on her laterality (left or right handedness).

The biological sense behind these manifestations has to do with where she may sit a child (on her lap), cradle the child (in her arms) according to her laterality, or where a partner is concerned, which side she may use to defend, slap, or push him or her away.


If a woman develops a self -devaluation conflict as a result of the original DHS that gave her the breast cancer, or as a result of perhaps a DHS she received with her diagnosis, her lymph glands will most probably also be affected.

The lymph glands originate yet again from another embryonic germ layer (new mesoderm) and therefore also have a completely different brain location for their relay. These tissues behave the same way as the tissue found in the milk ducts and will degenerate during the conflict activity and will regenerate or augment forming a tumor in the resolution phase of the self-devaluation conflict.

Naturally science has observed this and given it the label of "metastasis" for lack of explanation. However Dr. Hamer explains that if a different brain location and a different embryonic germ layer is responsible for the tumor, how can this possibly be observed as metastasis? He maintains that these primary germ layers cannot transform themselves into another germ layer once they are formed in the body.

So what causes metastasis? Dr. Hamer discovered that cancer is initiated by a DHS, (a conflict shock) therefore the progression of cancer or metastasis is dependent on further DHSs.

For example, the shock of having your breast amputated (a disfigurement conflict) can give you a skin cancer on the surgical scars, or a deep self-devaluation conflict (I am less than I was before) can cause bone cancer, the shock of the bone cancer diagnosis can give you a "death fright conflict" resulting in lung cancer because we believe that the cancer is spreading "like wildfire" throughout our body.

Metastasis in the conventional sense cannot exist in view of the discovery of the German New Medicine and the Five Biological Laws.